Thanks Mark, I've pretty much ruled out everything at this point, including the cam on the advancer being off by 180. Nothing was fixing the 2-3 idle. Before I decided to swap out the points plate, I said to myself, ONE LAST TRY. Took everything off, added some extra lube UNDER the points cam this time, set the gaps, set the static timing on 1-4, which like all tries before lined up perfectly! Then, moved on to 2-3 and by some miracle, I got timed statically!! Other than lubing the underside of the points cam, I don't recall doing anything different from before. Fired it up, hooked up the strobe light, 1-4 dead on and steady, 2-3 was a tad too advanced, BUT I had some room on the sub plate to correct that this time!! 2-3 now lined up dead on, and that "wobble" is pretty much non existent. Phew!! Took her out for a 10 mile ride, and the idle didn't go psycho btich on me

Cold idle was 900, after the 10 mile trip it was 1100-1200.
I had the energy to go longer but I returned home because when I pulled the plugs for doing the timing stuff, I noticed that 1,2 and 3 were carbon fouled (black velvelt like covering). This is new, since I didn't see this after my first ride (with only static timing). I'm guessing I'll have to move on to carburation next, fine tune that before any long trips. I don't want my pistons coated so early