Machine work AFTER blasting, whatever method you choose.
YEah, they're going to balst the seats, so machine/lap etc afterwards.
They probably had a bad experience with someone's part and did a knee jerk reaction, "no motorcycles". Should be no problem, done all the time.
Edward - you could also have the head Hot Tanked at a local shop pretty inexpensively. Soda is not on the phone corrosive not a problem for entering the engine, only the carbs. It can and will clean out pretty easily.
Glass beading, with your head at this stage of disassembly, is also pretty safe. Just need to rinse the head well to insure flushing is complete (same would be true with plastic media, sand, etc). You could soak the head in SeaFoam Deep Creep. It does soften hardened carbon, but will take some time and continued effort. Hot Tank it for best, complete and quickest results.
Do you have first hand experience with a "hot tank"? I took my parts to a hot tank shop and they turned me down. Said their tank would melt aluminum. I confirmed this at other shops and the internet.
A solvent tank of a lessor sort may work, but probably not an actual "hot tank".
My pref is plastic bead blasting. 2nd choice is soda. I actually soda blasted my VM29s (carbs) (in my build thread and services rendered thread) inside and out. Did a great job and cleaned up in water in my utility sink.