Thank you all, for the kind words. And yes, I know we're all messing around, I find it quite entertaining (why do you think I keep getting Cal all riled up

). Felt better after a restful evening and a good long night of continuous sleep (pager left at work

). Woke up and called my naprapath, hoping to get a last minute appointment tomorrow to get the back losened up. Gotta admit, good part of being young? You can be stupid and blame it on youth

Wrapped up my old weight training/squat belt, numbed up and got to work on the little bits that didn't require any bending or heavy lifting. Had to make the most of my precious sick day.
Rider foot pegs got new rubbers, not in pic but have all rezinced hardware to go with the powder coated pieces.
Installed the rechromed shift lever. Before doing that I gave the covers a good final polish, now I gotta get the white diamond residue off the black detailing on the logo

Readied the tail light and rear fender, installed all the rubbers, rechromed special bolts, new tail light, new sub harness from yami. Yamiya site shows a solid brown wire, yet the one I got has a white stripe on it, come to far to care, its on there now.