Well, I was right about the rear winkers, z1 or 4into1, whoever made it basically painted the crap out of the rear mounting bracket first, then riveted the connector in place. Very hit or miss with that riveting mechanism on a painted part to actually make any electrical contact. Took em off, and dipped a thread chaser in paint stripper and sent through. Scraped off some more paint on the opposite side where the stem's insert goes for additional contact. Quick test with the beeping meter and all is good. Dielectric grease and installed back in place, all is good with the winkers, although the buzzer sounds like a dying bird

thank goodness for that cancel button

As good as I felt about calling that one and fixing it, the whole taillight mess made me feel like a total idiot. I was about to rig up splitters and such using chunks off the old harness to power the taillight then, that voice in my head came back, "Keep it simple, stupid"! After reading Mark's explanation above, the key here is that the tail light will turn on along with the headlight
through the key switch. So there is no brown/white wire going to the taillight yet the brown/white wire is sending it power by feeding the brown wire through the switch.
That said, I went through the rat's nest yet again, everything is exactly where it needs to be. So why isn't the taillight coming on? Its because the moron working on this #$%* didn't actually go BEHIND THE BIKE to get a good look

The damned thing has been working all along, I just didn't see it

That concludes the electrical gremlins chapter. In reality, there was only one, the winkers.
Final go through of the major stuff, the header clamps. I've tightened them down quite a bit yet they keep slipping out of place. I'm assuming the 8mm bolts are stronger and will take a lot more torque than the standard 15ft-lbs? I don't see it the parts fiche but do I need those two piece collars with the 341s?