@Terry!! Thanks for stopping by mate and also for the kind words, I'm really thankful for you help and encouragement early on along with Mark, Gordon and several others.
@Jerry! Thanks! Yours is the K2 that most of my inspiration for this build came from. Believe it or not, my original plan was to paint the tank and side covers red and make it look like the bike in the first Terminator movie

. Just have a few loose ends to tie up, then I'll take some good pix with an actual camera this weekend for sure.
@Nick I'm about 20 miles from downtown Chi, stop by anytime! Yep, tires were slightly low, all fixed now.
Thank you guys, I really appreciate the love for the bike, and I thank you all again for helping me get it here. I've been struggling to find time between the demanding day job, all the Blackhawks madness and fasting all at once. I'm aiming to finish the last of the bits this weekend and do a few shakedown runs now that I've got it registered. I was hoping for some sweet custom plates but some lawsuit has that on hold

Some questions:
1) I had 3 qts. in it at startup, oil pressure is good. Do I need to add any more since it was on an entirely empty crankcase?
2) There is a micro weep at the brake bleeder, most likely at the top where the cap goes. I'm afraid to tighten this anymore as it will definitely strip. I'll try just installing the cap first, but if the weep is at the thread, what can be done?
3) Is riding it for about 5 miles considered a good warm up? I want to do the dynamic timing soon as that one sporadic "pop" on #4 at idle doesn't want to go away.