Hey guys I've been wiring up the front end of my bike today and found a couple wires that are boggling me.
To start, I bought the bike last winter and it had a windjammer fairing on the front. I took it off the day it got home and sold it to my crazy neighbor. I recently took off everything else; speedo, tach, indicator lights, hand controls). I labeled everything as I took it off and when I replaced everything with new shiny parts it was mostly straight forward, just find the corresponding color and plug it in. The hand controls were the same ones so it was all color-color. Everything went smoothly and when I was done I turned the key to see what would happen..
The speedo, tach, and both turn signals light up. When I flip the turn signal switch to either side it just turns off the side that I'm selecting. The turn signals I'm using are two-wire signals, and I now see that the factory setup had three wires. How can I make that work? Can I use the two-wire signals?
Another find.. after wiring everything that I knew I had taken off, I found a 6-pot plastic connector that doesn't seem to plug in anywhere. The color's leading to it are: blue, green, red, white, yellow, and black. There's a picture of it below. It's on a fairly long harness. When poking around with a multimeter, I get 9v from the red and the blue when the turn signal is switched to either side, but nothing from any of the others no matter what I do. Is this maybe something that hooked to the Windjammer?
I also found a pair of wires that come out of the harness near the coils. One's black, the other light green. I can't find anything with these two colors going to it. I looked at pics of the factory horn on ebay, it seems those wires might go there?
Lastly, after hooking up all the bullet connectors from the hand controls (near the coils), I found a two-connector ground that doesn't seem to have anything plugging into it. I swear I saw somewhere in the diagram that there was an extra two-connector ground somewhere, but now I can't find it anywhere. Is this supposed to have something going to it?
Here's pics of everything. Hopefully they make sense.. Also, what's the part in the 4th pic?