OK, here is the secret. Look at the Picture attached. (Click on it to make it bigger and Print it out.

Doesn't matter if it's a front or rear as long as it's a 40 spoke wheel.
Valve stem at the bottom.
Spoke to the Right of the Valve Stem goes to the BOTTOM of the Hub and is what everyone calls an "INNER". Green Outline Arrow points to it.
Blue Outlined White Arrow points to the Spoke hole in the TOP of the Hub, just to the left of the Bottom spoke with the Green Arrow.
Purple lines show the approximate space.
Starting with the Spoke hole with the Blue Outlined arrow as HOLE NUMBER 1, count to the LEFT to the Spoke hole pointed to by the RED Arrow. It's number 5. That is where the SPOKE to the LEFT of the VALVE STEM goes on the TOP of the Hub (also an "INNER").
So, Start your Lacing with Bottom of the hub, using the spoke hole to the right of the valve stem. When done with the Bottom then locate the TOP spoke hole per what I just said and you are done correctly. Every post on lacing shows a good procedure but doesn't give you what I show in the picture. If you don't understand, just ask.
Hope this helps.
Hope this makes sense.