I did quite a lot of driving (600km) on the cbturbo this week since the weather suddenly became really nice and I had the week off!
Front sprocket seems to be fine after all.. i've been pushing it quite a lot but it's still fine. I'll just see how long it will holdup like this, I can always replace the shaft and put in some new HD primary chains at the same time...

So, last weekend did 2 hours of highway driving on the cb to visit friends who live quite far away.
Everything went fine except that the bike used around 1liter of fuel every 12km...
Was riding around 130 with some sprints up to 175 (at 6500rpm) on my gps.
When you ride like 130 or 140 with a steady throttle it isn't even boosting.. only as soon as you roll on it directly boosts up if your over 3800rpm so thats perfect.
At my friends place some other friends of mine tried the bike and where also pretty enthausiastic about how it all worked nicely!
When I was driving back late in the evening I had a rendevouz with my guardian angel, didn't see her for a while now.
When I left the highway after 1 hour of continuesly riding 130-150 and was almost home, i suddenly lost the rear brake!!! I looked behind to see if there was an oil-leak but my complete FRIGGING REAR CALIPER was hanging next to the swingarm! It's a cbr900 fireblade caliper which I bought complete with the bracket and mounted it like that on the bike. The bolt, holding the caliper on the bracket was gone and the threads in the bracket showed NO signs at all of any locktite!
So the previous owner must have saved a few bucks not buying loctite 243 when changing brake pads....

It sucked big time, one turn to the left and the caliper would have ended up in my rear wheel spokes.
Next day I fixed it with parts of my other turbo bike (same caliper) and did some more driving and testing the rest of the week.
The bike was running way too rich at WOT (9.5 AF) so I changed the main jets from 135 to 124 and removed the rings underneath the needles so they are at stock position. It's at 10.5 now when you completely floor it... and midrange accelerating from 30-70% throttle is around 11.5-12.5... pretty good.
It's still a tad rich just off-idle, when you cruize the bike with only 1mm of throttle applied.. around 11.5 a/f...
Thats not necessary as your not loading the bike, and should be like 13.5 or something. Probably base fuell pressure...
I can't change the boost at the moment because I got a different WG actuator now..so I ordered a simple ball & spring type of boost controller on ebay.. hopefully it will arrive soon so I can do some testing at higher boost.

So far so good!