Well I have a z1r project and the z650 turbo.. which has a gpz750 turbo engine which is basically a beefed up z650 lump.
Stock crank stock rods stock factory undercut gearbox, stock 1984 fuel injection, powercommander hooked up to the boost sensor, intercooler, gt2056 turbo, 150-200hp, external wastegate, 35mm tb's, stock cast 7.8:1cr turbo pistons, saab 2.0 350cc injectors and lockup clutch.
It lifts the front in 2nd at 15psi.. and also in 3th and 4th sometimes. If I switch to 20psi all hell breaks loose.😂
But its a dog offboost, flat and little torque (below 4000rpm, low compression motor and high gearing)... but then at 5500rpm it suddenly makes 100hp more and flies to 10.000rpm. Likes revs... 54mm stroke (9mm less then the cb750!!)
Needs an 810cc turbo wiseco kit...
I actually like the cb750 better to just tour everywhere since it performs close to stock offboost and turbo comes in at 3800rpm. It has less topend but more low and midrange. 63mm long stroke really makes the difference.... 😄
And with the carbs its almost a stock bike regarding reliability...
I really trust it to bring me home.