Hi guys!
Well, the #$%*ty winter is almost over SO did some work on the bike and did quite a bit of riding the last few days.
I installed the Ignitec ignition with 11-250kPa MAP sensor and thats working awesome!
Rev limit is set at 9300rpm and im retarding ignition from 30 at 100kPa (atmosferic pressure) to 22 degrees at 200kPa (1 bar / 15psi). No more pinging..
I dont know where the limits are, could be that I can run like 25-27 degrees at 15psi, but I didnt try just to be safe.
Officially you need to put it on a dyno and find the ignitions "MBT" point. Max Brake Torque means the point where both advancing and retarding will result in less power.
This points is reached at a lower ignition advance value under boost and at a higher value under vacuum. If you keep the stock athmosferic ignition values you are pumping more heath into the engine as necessary as probably you are over this MBT point.
Got the electronic speedo to work... untill the ebay hall sender died.. :p and installed a electronic tacho off an old gpz900.
I've also got a dual port actuator on the turbo at the moment, but it leaks quite a bit through the shaft "seal".. and if the regulator fails the wastegate doesnt open and I risk blowing up the engine.. so im taking it of again. I had a few spikes of 20 psi yesterday because of the dodgy pressure regulator..
So gonna run the old setup again with the simple ball & screw boost regulator in the pressure line to the wastegate actuator.
Made a riding vid and published it on youtube... no crazy ghostrider stuff but it shows a bit how the bike performs.
Gearing is still quite high at 18:39, the tacho barely moves lol.
Im riding 80-90kmh and when accelerating I stop between 150 - 180kmh.