Thanks Cal. I'm fine having to get to know the carbs better but will need some guidance.
I went back and looked and found some info. Mains are 100. Idles are 40 (both are the stock brass). Mixture screws are backed out 1.5 turns. Floats set at 22mm. The rebuild kits I ordered came with jets, needles, etc. I did use the new needles but put them in the same clip position as the stock ones were. Here's the stock ones.
There are 5 positions the clips could be in. Mine were in the second position from the tip of the needle.
When I first got the bike, I suspected it was running super rich. There was a lot of smoke out of the tail pipes and the plugs kept fouling out. I started and rode the bike for the first time in a while the other day. I pulled the plugs after a 20 minute ride and some still seem pretty black. Although I don't have any experience, I think the throttle feels sluggish/inconsistent. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Carbs were bench synced but have not been vacuum synced yet but I hope to get that done soon. What are some suggestions for things I should try?