You don't give up that easy, I saw you take those carbs down twice! Don't be scared, it's a metal container with some pinholes in it,big deal. if they are small enough to fill with epoxy do it , if they aren' t, flush the tank and have it brazed. So you go to the home depot and pick up a cheap 5 inch disc sander , some 80 and 100 grit to strip the tank, some 120 to form the new body putty and some 220 to feather it out.
On the way home stop at auto zone or equal , get a quart of bondo (not fibered) ,hardener, and body putty applicators,save yourself a trip and grab 2 sandable primer in spray cans. Dust masks too. don't forgret a paintstick, it's a bich to get bondo off your screwdrivers.
Finish a beer turn up the radio and put on your dust mask ,then 80 grit the paint down so you can just see metal and 100 grit it smooth and uniformly , easy so far right?
Apply golf ball sized bondo onto a piece of cardboard, have a paint stick nearby so you can mix about an inch+ of hardener (red or blue) to the putty and mix with the stick until uniform ,work quickly cause it sets up fast.
Use the wide applicator for the large areas and the small one for the tight spots, apply bondo heavier and wider than where you would like to finish, it'll shrink a little bit and you'll be forming it when it's dry (usually about 20 mins.) with a sander and 100 grit. Don't try to clean the plastic applicator, infact ,load it equally on both sides and bend it off the applicator in about 10 mins., it cleans up better that way. Bondo jumps out the can at you and gets all over everything if you're not used to it so wear gloves or your lady friend won't want you near her later. Still sound easy right?
Good ! Now Bondo cooled off and set up where the paper doesn't load up real quick, with 100 grit take the high spots down a little at a time , until you are NEAR the finish height, don't worry about the width until you get to that point.
A couple of quick runs from side to side and front to back should smooth it out some but don' go to crazy with it .
Change to 120 give it a really fast once over then switch to 220 and feather the whole repair smooth, when satisfied spray some primer on it. if you like the result and it's perfect 300 or 400 grit the tank and paint.
If you suspect it needs more attention lightly sand it in a circular motion and the high ares will sand off/ the low areas will still have primer on it, make your repair until satisfied prime till happy fine grit it , and get some paint on it. Man, It's just that easy. Give it a whirl, don't be scared, have fun with this machine,when else will you be able to hone these skills? So have fun and be proud of your accomplishments. You're doing great so far.