Be REALLY careful with the Acetone. If you get it on the primer, it will peel off immediately. Some Saran Wrap over the tank would be a nice gesture. Also, with the RedKote, be dead certain you rinse the tank, then flush with soapy water, add a pint of Denatured Alcohol and swish it around inside fully. It will dehydrate the water left inside. Follow with some compressed air. Let fully dry before adding liner.
Then, pour in the RK, tumble it around the tank slowly, holding about 20 seconds as it adheres. Then tip the tank towards the petcock hole and put a catch basin underneath. Not too much slope. But enough so the excess does run out.
Then let FULLY dry (takes a good solid, week in my experience) until there's no hint of odor.
All these directions are on the data sheet, but follow them religiously (or dutifully if you prefer). Only way to insure success.