Alright well we are back in CO. When we arrived at the airport in Tampa, I was determined to have a positive TSA experience. I smiled and exchanged pleasantries with the first guy I encountered and it worked! I took off my belt and hat and put everything in the bins, slid them on through the machine (all the time smiling and waving to agents) and worked my way through the body scan. Was told to have a lovely day by a female agent and reciprocated. Then I waited. The people who were behind me started to gather their belongings and put their bins away. I still waited. Smiling. Waving. Then the bin with my shoes and belt and wallet showed up so I started getting my things together. Then two agents approached me and asked me to come with them. No, "Please?" No, "How are you today sir?" I was asked if I had anything in my backpack that would poke or hurt them. "Of course not!" I said...."I have gum. Would you like some?" No return smile. Just a, "No." I swallowed hard. I wanted to say, "I don't have any metal by my penis!" I looked over at Heather in concern. The agent started going through my pack while several others looked at me as if I had just insulted their mothers. Once everything was removed from one pocket, the agent moved to the larger area. She pulled out a book and my Bose headphones. Then....she reached in and before I could see what she had...she looked at me. She removed my sheath which happened to have my Leatherman tool as well as a large knife in it. "That'ssssssssssssssss not supposed to be in there," I mumbled. I quickly glanced at Heather and said, "I love you baby." I then began apologizing profusely for forgetting to put that in my checked luggage and explained that I had gotten up at 5 that morning to fish for 3 hours before driving to the airport. No kidding, this agent looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I hate fishing." "Me too," I said. "And anything else you tell me to hate." She laughed!
In the end I was very thankful that she had a sense of humor because that could have easily gone another way. She talked about how her husband would love the sheath (it really is nice). Then she was kind enough to take us to an area where we could actually package up everything and ship it to CO.
In other news, I did look at Squirrel a day or so before leaving and checked out the timing. Recall that I have Dyna 5 ohm coils and a Dyna S ignition with NGK resistor caps and D7EA plugs. I got out the instructions for it and went through the timing procedure again. I used a test light and it came on for 1/4 with the rotor fully turned clockwise while rotating the crank when the mark on the case was about halfway between the two advanced marks. So this seemed ok. However, the light come on for 2/3 when the mark on the case was well before the advanced marks (to the right of them). I made some adjustments until the light came on for both modules at the first (furthest to the right) advanced mark. I'm still using 38/100 jets with the needle clips in the third slot. Plugs are very rich at 1/4 to 1/2 throttle but at this same spot they were very lean when the clips were in the second slot. This doesn't make sense to me. I don't think moving the clips one slot should have that much impact on the plugs (and they went from very lean to very rich). Right now I'm wondering if the advance mechanism is working properly so I have a timing light ordered and will check that once it gets here.