The tappet covers, inspection covers, orings are pricey from Honda. With worn orings there they will leak.
Once oil starts flowing is what you are trying to catch. Capillary action will cause the oil to wick around the any seam of a gasket between head to the cylinders or to the rocker/cam cover. Once it starts flowing it will blow and drip and run to areas where it is not leaking from. With as much oil as you are reporting you are not catching the start.
Cross threaded tappet covers will cause them to break, or cross threading. The orings are not submerged but slosh or splattered and if the oring is not sealing it wicks out... it is good there is a lot of oil... you have sufficient oiling to the head.
The cam cover gasket can distort if overtightened and cause leaks. Usually you don't cause leaks on the tappet covers, you can make them hard to remove and possibly cause them to break. When they are hard they can start leaking.
On a car a cork valve cover gasket is easy to over torque one of the screws causing a leak. Provided the cover is not deformed...easy to do on sheet metal covers. Normally cast covers are not at risk of deformation as easily.
Fix the small stuff, then work your way into the next one... once it starts leaking it can be tough to keep it from appearing to be leaking somewhere else. Want to deal with more difficult to isolate leaks then you want to deal with a leaky roof.