Uhhh...yeah, which is why after reading some things on the forum I wondered if it was such a good idea...
It's not new idea. But, running both filaments puts almost twice the heat in the bulb. Don't be surprised if it turns into a single or no beam, soon. Avoid bumps on the read as shock will hasten the hot filament breakage.
I think the stock headlight was 40/50 W. So, running both filaments makes for a 90 watt draw through the main fuse. That's 7 amps. Or, the rating of the H/L fuse. Don't be too surprised if it goes away, either.
It also increases the power draw through the main fuse, too. When that one melts, the bike won't run at all.
You *could* just get bigger fuses. But, make certain you are carrying spares with you on your ride.