Had some down time and was thinking. If a person had a set of 77/78 carbs from a K or F CB750 and had another set that was only good for parts. Could you put the #2 slide and arm from the parts set into the #3 carb body of the good set? This would give you two non adjusting carbs and only have to adjust carbs 1 and 4. I'm thinking sync #1 to #2 and #4 to #3 (#2 and #3 are non adjusting).
I know that no two carbs sets are alike in tuning, but the whole idea is to sync all carbs to #2. Is there that much difference in the sync vac reading from one bike and another of the same year and model if they were set up the same?
In theory you still connect all four sync hoses, but only have to adjust #1 and #4. That would make things a whole lot simpler.
Why stop there? Just think. If you welded in the spark plugs, you'd never have to replace them again! Brilliant!
You could also get rid of that troublesome moving grip on the right bar, too. Who needs to go any different than fast!
And that messy drain plug! Weld that up, too. No more dumping that messy used oil!
Oh, Oh, and those pesky tappet adjusters. Weld those up too, AND NO MORE VALVE ADJUSTMENTS ARE NEEDED! What bliss!
The whole point about having carb slide height adjusters is so you can match the vacuum drawn by each cylinder to make them even across the bank. Taking out an adjustment feature, prevents fine tuning.
However, if you'd rather adjust each cylinders piston ring seal, valve closure seal, cc and grind the head chamber so they have exactly the same volume, and then bring the cam lobes to exactly the same dimensions for each cylinder position, that would be MUCH easier than twisting a slide adjuster one eighth of a turn to draw equal vacuum as the rest.