I know this represents only a small percent of riders of this style of bike and I don't know what got this bad situation started, but it gives the whole group very bad reputation.
Very true sir......I can't understand why they act like they do. I guess it's a power thing, and they do it to get back at cops etc. Or maybe they're all just pissed off and don't know why(?) At the "Ride of the century" (an annual squid event here,) they wear t shirts that say f#%k the police, travel the opposite
of traffic flow, run thru road blocks, wheelie along side cops,. Very few are actually caught. There's just many of them and the police are pretty much powerless. I got a feeling tho, that if things don't change, its gonna get bad for anyone who rides a sportbike. I own one, and don't want it to become a cop magnet. I've said before, stay below the radar, and have a good time. The mentality they're displaying is some scary sh1t.. Remember the question "What's the world comin to?" I hope this isn't a preview.