I'm on the road working so I do not have any reference materials. GOOD catch on the numbers! The cases are the same so the 76 tranny would fit 77/78F's. Different gearing and output shaft as you know. Gearing can be affected most easily by the front sprocket so that's somewhat of a non-issue. Verify that engine number then count and compare the 4th and 5th gear teeth counts. May already be mixed and matched if 'the friend' has been playing already.
The 77/78 F engines have the larger valves. As has been mentioned in another post about head ID'ing the 75/76 F and the 77/78 K head has a 392 cast on the top fin intake side close to #3 and the 77/78 F has 410. That'd help ID it also. HOWEVER many people swap out whole top ends due to the notorious valve seal issue the 77/78 F has. SOOOO a 77/78 F COULD have a different top end cases up.
Now somewhere along the way perhaps beginning with the 75 F there was a double row ball bearing used (on the output shaft maybe)? This needs to be checked on and overcome as PERHAPS the 76 K had the old single row. Let's get some experts weighing in on this too and with the possible fix/swap. Check the fiches on this.
is all do-able. Just gotta take the time to learn and do it correctly. Just take notes for the next time it's cracked open.
Shocks LOOK original, They didn't last long. You'd know when they bottom out and wallow around

Primary chains can probably still be had for under $100. When you order 1 you get 1 set of 2 so do NOT EBay them! Good luck on finding a tensioner now... I use ServiceHonda.com. ~30% off and the order I just placed initially said $30 shipping but they only charged $20. I can do more research on all these things on Monday at the earliest.