« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2006, 11:43:16 AM »
Very very impressive. The bike looks like another one owned by a lady from an article I saw in Walnecks some years ago. interestingly enough, she too painted the black part of the gas tank way too big, this seem to be a common error in most CB500/550 restorations. It's difficult to pinstripe it yourself from just eyeballing from photos but you can tell right away. The only way I got mine was because one of the tanks I have have the original pinstriping. Pinstripes were also different in width in 1971-1974 models. You may want to put an accurate white pinstriping location to make it totally stock looking. ( I actually bought a cheap spare 1972 Kawasaki H1 gas tank from ebay just to get the one I'm restoring with proper pinstriping locations.) Yours looks too good to be otherwise.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 12:04:05 PM by Ted Nomura »

1969 Honda CB750, two 1970 CB750, two 1972 CB750K2, 1971 CB500, 1975 CB550, 1976 CB400F, 1968 CL450, 1973 CL450, 1974 CB450, 1970 1/2 SL350K1, 1971 SL350K1, 1972 SL350K2, 1972 CL350, 1972 CB350, 1983 CB1000C, 1976 Kawasaki KZ900A4, 1976 KH500A8, 1979 KZ400B, 1983 ZN1300, and so on and so on...