Snakes on a Plane. Early showing, only a scattering of people in the theatre, but I had to go.
I won't post spoilers, (unless asked), but this film is the Single Greatest Achievement of Man. Forget the moon landings, forget the Great Wall of China, forget the invention of the automobile or Miami Vice.
No, "Snakes on a Plane" will go down in history.
It has, in one fell swoop, made every single piece of cinema, music, art and literature Obsolete. They cower before the greatness that IS "Snakes on a Plane".
This film will redefine humanity and forever alter the future of the human race. It is Legendary and the stuff that Dreams are made of.
It is rare that I re-watch movies and I NEVER see them twice in the theatre. I am breaking my own habit. I am going to see this film again tomorrow, perhaps multiple times and again multiple times throughout the weekend and as long as it runs in the theatre here.
I implore you to go see it. Expose yourself to the majesty and power that is "Snakes on a Plane".
Two thumbs way the hell up.