Author Topic: New bearing kit, assembly order?? + New Bars!!!! New fork springs?????  (Read 1452 times)

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Offline L.A. Nomad........

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  • 1976 CB550 K
I just put a new bearing kit on my 76 CB550, so I dropped the tripple tree assembly. I removed the race, seal and thin washer off the steering stem. The new kit comes with: 2 bearing sets, thick washer and a seal. I first put the seal on, then the thick washer and then I hammered down the bearing. So is this the right order of assembly???

Oh and I added clubmans to my bike! Waaaay better than my drag bars!! The high speed wobble went away!!

And does newer proggressive springs make a night and day change?

Thanks, Nomad
I am a fuel-injected suicide machine! I am a rocker! I am a roller! [I’m an outta controller] I am the Chosen One! The Mighty and the Vengeance! Sent down  to strike the unroadworthy! I'm hotter  than a rolling dice!


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Hate to say this but I'm 99% sure that the correct order is washer, then seal, then bearing. The seal keeps the elements off of the bearing and is made to fit snugly up against the bearing itself. Putting the washer between the seal and the bearing gives you the correct stack height but defeats the purpose of the seal beacuse it leaves space between the seal and the bearing.

Offline L.A. Nomad........

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  • 1976 CB550 K
I think I can live with it. That bearing was a #$%* to press down. I used heat and the cold treatment on both sides. I still had to hammer down the bearing. That didn't bother me as much as putting on the top dust cover. It went on all lopsided, cuz underneath there are teeth like spots, that caught some of the bearing grooves.

Eddie A.

I am a fuel-injected suicide machine! I am a rocker! I am a roller! [I’m an outta controller] I am the Chosen One! The Mighty and the Vengeance! Sent down  to strike the unroadworthy! I'm hotter  than a rolling dice!