Ok, put on your thinking caps:
Bronco bike ('74 550 4 K) died on me today.
I'm driving along 35 mph, bike sputters a bit, but I give it gas and
it goes ok, sort of like its choking up?? then I get to light, pull
in clutch and bike dies. Neutral light and oil light are lit. I
Hit the starter, it fires up and I go another 2 blocks and it REALLY
starts to sputter, then I pull in clutch and it dies between gears,
and as I turn right, it stays dead - NO neutral light or OIL light,
no headlight, starter does not fire at all, just dead. But HOrn
works, and so does right hand turn signal. So I check fuses - all
So I'm broke down on road, no neutral light, no oil light, starter
will not work at all (like kill switch is off, which it is not) BUT
I do have right turn light working and horn works BUT no headlight!
So "LEE" nice Harley guy helps me and we "direct connect" the
starter and it tries to start up. But now throttle and gas seem not
to be speaking same language. Throttle turns, but engine surges and
then dies. So now police are stopped admiring how nice Bronco bike
looks, and they all try to help. We direct connect it again, open
choke a bit and it acts like it might go. I'm now just hoping to
get it home and we take off, go 4 blocks and engine dies again.
Throttle does not operate correctly. Engine will not run.
So I open Choke up full, get it to fire up via starter, and we go
another 2-3 blocks - whereupon it sputters and dies while I'm reving
it at 4,000 rpm. So I'm stuck in middle of 6 lane HR parkway. Really
fun ride now!!
So we push it across busy traffic while cops stop them. We open up
choke again, and it starts with starter, revs up good and seems fine.
So I get it home and you'd think it was right off the show room
floor-idles nice a 2000 rpm, with choke closed, (this is normal,
when it is hot..perhaps I need to drop that down a bit) but anyway,
as I pull into garage, it is just fine!
So my question is: do I have 2 problems? or More??
one- maybe an electrical problem between starter motor and starter
button? Or perhaps kill switch is going bad??
and second problem:
Perhaps clogged fuel lines? fuel filter needs replacing?? or carbs
(recently rebuilt - with less than 300 miles on rebuild?)
So, does anyone have any ideas?
I'm scheduled for lasik surgery Tomorrow 4:00 and I asked dr. if I
could go for ride Sunday - they say yes! But Now Bronco Bike is
Open to all suggestions - my problem is tomorrow about 2 pm I won't
be able to see!!
:(who is very, very unhappy with BB right now!!)