if you need a ghoul fix just hit up U-Tube - try a keyword search
an interesting side-effect of my accident was that i didn't remember anything immediately (30m) before or two days after the wreck - well, after the wreck i was in a coma...
so a month ago i went on U-tube and watched hours of motorcycle wrecks - hours and hours, some of them more than once...i draw the line at "snuff" vids, vids where the driver actually dies, but the title does not always warn you and i think i probably saw a couple of those as well.
i was discussing this ghoulish phenomenon with my boss, also a biker/wrencher and she commented that because i didn't retain any personal memories of my accident it sort of made sense to her that i would might need to experience it visually in this way (obsessive watching)...kind of makes sense to me...
i got it out of my system apparently - i have not gone back to any of them and i haven't visited the site that started this thread - no need, no desire to...
junkie out...