Hi everyone a bit stuck on this one could do with some help...please.
My Honda cb350 four starts up nice from cold and rides off smoothly with no problems, how ever once bike is warmed up the bike idles nice but it coughs and splutters and runs on at least 3 when taking off or coasting round corners, you give it a little throttle and it coughs until you get up to 3000 rpms. Once there bike runs smooth again.
I have done loads of work so far but still no luck solving this issue.
I have trimmed plug leads back put on new plug caps and new plugs, set and cleaned points and static timed motor, also set tapetts too, replaced inlet carburatuor o rings and checked for splits. Replaced fuel line and checked fuel tap and internal fuel filter all good, cleaned carburatuors out allso emulsion tubes replaced main jet seals, new float needle valves reset floats to 21mm , checked that all four needles were all the same height (yep) and bench set carbie balance. Replaced battery, air filter looks pretty good and has a good sealed lid on it.
Bike still has that little miss when taking off once warm and has a small bog down at about 90 -100 kmp.
Any help would be great :-). Thanks for reading