Hi. My girlfriend recently acquired a 1976 CB400F in pretty good condition (and only 8800 miles!). It does have a couple of problems, though. Before I get into that, let me first ask if there is a resource that posts tech manuals for this bike in pdf or some such format?
First off: The bike acts as though it is running rich - "laying down" when pouring on the throttle, black plugs, etc. Oddly, though, it seems to run better when the choke is on a little.

I didn't find a FAQ listing the steps to tuning the carbs. Hopefully it is as simple as being new to the site and just needing to be pointed in the right direction to find instructions like this. On a related note - turning the carb adjustment screw in (clockwise) leans out the mixture, right?
Second: The starter worked great.....until this morning. Now it won't even click the solenoid. I'm hoping that it's just a loose wire or solenoid problem, but can't get into the left engine cover to find out. The phillips head bolts are REALLY in there. Any tips on getting them out? Also, any tips on what might be wrong here? Could it actually be the switch? I couldn't get the control off of the handlebar because the wires are routed inside the bar and everything was pretty tight in there. I don't want to go Rambo on it and end up breaking something hard to replace.
Third: The front brake is real squishy. Is this kinda par for this vintage of bike or should I spend the time to flush and bleed the lines?
Fourth: The air filter is pretty oily. I believe that it is the original filter. Can it be cleaned or does it have to be replaced? I'm guessing "replaced" as it is paper, but that begs the question: where do I get a new one? None of the local shops can find one. How adversely does a high oil level affect the air filter and running of the bike? I seem to see a lot of oil vapor coming from the crankcase breather into the air filter. Also, has anyone put pod filters on one of these bikes? How well did it go? I did it on my Ducati and after lots of playing with the Power Commander thingy it runs pretty well, but I've never done it on an old carby before.
Fifth (and final for tonight, I promise): There is a rather rattley racket coming from the heads that tends to subside when the bike warms up. It sounds so loud that i have to look twice to make sure it's not my Ducati.

Again, is this normal or do I have a tappet job ahead of me?
Thanks for all of your help and patience with the new guy questions.