Thanks Steve-o.
One step forward and two steps back. Looked like a line dance on a Saturday night.
Bike is running and running good. Throttle cable a little stiff at first but better now. Several times I warmed the bike and got the clutch plates to break free. No worries there.
The biggest time consumer was the right handle bar switch. The wire was frayed and making contact when you turn the key. This should of been repaired when the switch was off the bar.

Had to re-solder the contact to make sure a ground was not happening. In the process of removing the parts the small starter button spring dropped to the bench never to be found again.

Part was available and on it's way. I'll just kick start it for now. I looked on hands and knees for the better part of two hours. I'm really to old to do this stuff.
Today is re-clean the petcock, mount tank and seat. Hoping I can run the reserve line up and over the frame rails for easy removal if needed. I never liked the crossover setup as there is no way not to get fuel everywhere.
Here we go...