Hi, Cal. I think I understand your explanation. In essence, in OEM mode, the starter relay (solenoid) does need switched power (once key is turned on) and the circuit must be closed via the neutral switch for the starter motor to receive power. As you know, electrical is far from my strong suit, but I am beginning to understand how everything should work with the m-unit.
Since I got the starter motor to turn over by disconnecting the green/red wire from the neutral switch wire, and then grounding it, I think I will leave it alone for now and use "aux" from the output side of the m-unit and the neutral switch wire to power up the neutral indicator light. I am not so concerned about me starting the bike when in gear with the clutch out, more than I am about friends riding the 550s. Also, during the TJ Toys for Tots ride, the 750 Blaster stalled out in a busy TJ intersection. The 750 was hot and I had a hell of a time finding neutral to re-start the bike. It was a scary moment with a bunch of crazy drivers zipping around me. The clutch needs adjusting (only engages when the lever is almost all the way out) and I think that was the issue. Without the neutral safety wire, I could have quickly restarted the bike by simply pulling in the clutch regardless of what gear it was in.
So, because I'm so impatient to get this bike running, for now I will bypass the neutral wire to the solenoid and just frame ground it.