BJ thanks, I've worked out that I have 2 options with the parts I have.
1st Use the plate I've restored and because I have a 9 pin plug coming from the alternator I could cut a piece from a an old plate (has the small pin style) and rivet it to the restored plate. I would end up with two blade style plugs and a pin style in the middle slot.
2nd Rewire an older style plate with all pin style (I've all the pin styles male & female ends).
Both are options, I'll probably go with option 1, but I'm not entirely sure yet.
Because I have 2 different plates, either way I have to work out how to extract the female end of the pin style to order rewire it to the plate. Does anyone know how to get the female pins out? I've worked out the male ends, just push them out.
One issue I have is to ensure I wire up the plug to the rectifier correctly as it plugs into the alternator and they both have 3 yellow wires, I presume I had better make sure the correct male end yellow wire goes into the correct female or I'm going to have trouble.
I need to sit down and look closely as to the best course, and as I write this it's becoming clearer to the best option, I think - now there's an oxymoron.
Also because I'm getting close to the end I'm wanting to finish it, BTW new clutch rod came yesterday, it's as new!