They sell ALL remarked parts. Like I said, everything they sell can be found somewhere else. I don't understand why anobody would want to buy emgo parts at all, let alone at a higher price.
In the case of small batch mfg things, sometimes it is better to deal with the source than a retailer. Either Dime City is buying the parts in advance to get a discount, or placing the order when you order it. If they are buying in bulk then you are getting a premade part, which isn't a bad thing unless you need a special accomidation. If they are placing an order, then all you are doing is playing a big game of telephone where you ask them and they ask the mfg.
I did notice they were $2 cheaper on the gauge mounts than ripple rock (for the same mount). You could ask Ripple rock for a price adjustment and if they don't accomidate you then by all means buy from DCC.
I happen to think they have a decent business model. I just wish they new the difference between #$%* parts and good stuff and would spend their time making the small batch, well made stuff more available and drop the #$%*ty emgo pods. I'm sure they move a ton of those things but I personally detest sellers who value the sale more than they value good customer experence. In my mind every emgo pod they sell is just them taking advantage of someone in this hobby (usually a noob).