Back again. I've made some progress although I am being hindered by funds. All the prices I see on this forum are, of course, US prices and by the time I track down the equivalent over here it ends up being at least twice the price. I've started breaking into the engine and found nothing untoward yet - no broken or badly worn parts. I was wondering though what these two drawn-on marks are on the cylinder head. Just a quality control/inspection mark or is it a sign that some warranty work was done?
Front wheel is rebuilt, rear hub came up quite nicely with scotchbrite and acetone, brass dremel brushes and elbow grease. Decided to lacquer it with regular wheel lacquer rather than the VHT lacquer I have that requires curing at insanely high temperatures.
The tank is almost ready to go off for paint. I'm still wavering between Polynesian blue, Planet blue (which was a UK K2 colour - with the smaller tank stripe decals) or the ubiquitous but nonethless great, candy gold. I've been quoted £400/$670 for the paint job which may take up to 12 weeks. I've attached a pic of the tank and the inside and have these two questions. 1) Do all tank badges for the 750K attach in the same way - i.e. just press in? I prefer the white badge of the K2 over the chunkier K3 version. 2) The inside of the tank has what I would describe as minor rust. From memory, all tanks I have owned on all my bikes with steel tanks have had some level of rusting in them. Ideally you would want no rust at all but does this look like acceptable rust or does it need some acid action? Of course, we don't have 'The Works' toilet bowl cleaner over here. :-(
Also still waiting for my forks to be rechromed which are still with the chromer after 6 weeks. One of them keeps getting pinholes in the chrome and has to be replated and reground. If I was in a hurry for the forks I'd be annoyed but as long as I get them back soon things will be fine.
I will also mention with the highest praise, Marcel den Butter of I bought a set of faces for the speedo and tacho from him. I rebuilt the speedo and was half way through the tacho rebuild when I knocked it off some shelving and broke the face. I asked him if I could buy the tacho face separately but he simply sent me a new one, free of charge. So, excellent service right there. Dank u wel, Marcel. The product is also as great as the service I might add.
Hoping to have this bike ready by July 1st in time to take my son to school on it for his 8th birthday. Can't quite see that happening but you never know. if not he'll have to be on the 400 Four.