WUZZUP PEOPLES!!!ROTFLMAO I kill me, I tell ya!!!
Oh goodness, I am so freaking bored I thought I would come out here and gross everyone out. If you have a weak stomach, RUN, RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!
well, here goes for all you sick people out there like me!!:
To keep all of you up to date on the misery of my life, I had the MRI done and the results were horrific!!! Broken Fibula, shredded ligaments and tendons holding the Tibia and Fibula together, damaged cartilage everywhere, Bone cysts in the bottom of the Tibia, Ossified bone chip adhered to the back of the Tibia( probably part of what shredded the ligaments and tendons), and last but certainly not least, floating bone chips in the bursal sacs around the cartilages of at least two ankle bones. I'm looking at about a 96% chance of surgery in early September. Yep, I'm scared #$%*less!!!
I even have the MRI scans saved on my computer and browse through them once in a while to remind myself just haw bad I screwed up this time. A word of advice to everyone, don't try to slide a nonslip clad shoe along bare concrete, it doesn't work. When I rolled and then collapsed on top of, my ankle, I messed myself up worse than I've ever been before, and that is even when considering the time I punched a van who tried to run me over, jealous boyfriend who had no reason to be.
Anywho, Rita is still waiting for me to get better so I can get her running again. If I go in for surgery, I'm looking at the end of november or sometime in december before I can do anything for her, oh woe is me and Rita!
Thats it for now, just me being bored silly.
See everyone soon though. I'll be back in and around from time to time.
Peace and Long Rides,
Jeff the