hello everybody!
i've been lurking here for a while, soaking up all the invaluable info offered. thought i'd register and say hi, in case i can contribute back something, some day.
i live in amsterdam, in the netherlands and took the plunge on a cb550f (1976) earlier this year. it took me quite a while to find one that was in a nice shape and as original as possible. seems like everyone over here builds these into cafe racers.
anyway, i found one in real good condition - even the exhaust was still on there and not rotten, and it had a second brake disc installed already!
the worst thing was the paintwork: something brownish with 70s style patterns on it. well the registration papers said "blue" so that's what i brought it back to.
then a bit of work on the carbs, change some o-rings to get rid of oil drips, new chain and sprockets, adjusting things - and we were back on the road again before summer

here's what it looks like now:

as i started to trust it more and more i used it sometimes when i had to travel farther for work. then i got really bold and took it on a 600km trip to visit my sister on asn island somewhere between denmark and germany - which the bike did without even the slightest hiccup (unlike me, who had a cold on the way back).
here's the 550 on the ferry:

so i'm having great fun and feel very lucky that i apparently got a really good one.
now over winter i'll dive into the detail and see what bits need work or replacement so that i keep it in this shape.