G'day Prokop,
I hope you won't mind me sticking my bib in now you've reached your setup stage.
K model Hondas have a relatively short wheelbase used as a sidecar platform.
Your chair looks fairly wide so I'm assuming your track is wide relative to your wheelbase.
If your interested in a discussion on setup and maybe a couple of initial riding tips let me know.
If not I'm happy to keep my nose out. 
Hello Brian:
Now I am ready for your tips on setup and riding.
No worries Prokop,
We are on the road at the moment heading to my daughters to pick up a load of cat's.
God help me

, I hate cat's but she is involved with an animal rescue group trying to look after people's animals that are being affected by our fires.
All her enclosures are now full and she has been forced to house all the cat's in her care in the spare room.
Regarding your setup.
Thanks to my meticulous record keeping. (I wrote the notes we used as a starting point for our bikes many years ago on the back of a beer box.

I retrieved it from inside the lid of my old toolbox when we first discussed your setup.
We both understand that these setups are different but as I mentioned this was the starting point for all our road going sidecars.
I will get my crayons out and give you an idea how we went about it when we get home and get these mogies settled. A lot of the stuff I will put forward you will have all ready done, but in the interest of continuity I will try to give the lot, then you can pick and chose what is relevant to you.
I do remember that we made some initial mods to the bike before we started on the chair itself.
We would adjust the spring preload on the rear stock's to their stiffest settings.
With the front forks we would add a 1" spacer to the top of the springs and then slide the forks up through the triple trees about 1".
The stiffer suspension helps counteract the wallowing affect that can happen at higher speeds.
Moving the forks up through the triple trees reduces the bikes front-end trail. This will help lighten the steering.
If the sidecar shakes its head when slowing down you will need to readjust the forks to their original position.