Put it some quality time this weekend. I failed to take after pics, but here's a rundown of the weekend:
With the engine out, and all my parts on hand I tackled the top end reassembly.
Cleaned some stuff up, including the piston grooves as they were a tad dirty.
New gaskets.
Things got a bit frustrating at this point, so I forgot to take more photos. Regardless, i got the new rings/pistons into the jugs, mounted the head, did all the adjustments, etc.
I installed the new pamco unit as well. Added in some oil, gas, etc. Baby started up like a dream, but died without the throttle. Easy enough, I just adjusted the idle screw, and that solved that issue pretty easily. She sits very comfortably at a nice 1200 idle rpm. I could probably even get that set lower.
I do, unfortunately have a leak under the side cover at the top of the engine due to my being stupid. I have a solution I', going to try this weekend though.
Finally, the end is nearing!!