Patience! That is my suggestion. Stop, take a deep breath, and lets look at the problem methodically. You say that 2 of the cylinders hold fluid, the other 2 do not. Correct? So, lets first take a look at the 2 that do. Can you see rust around the edges of the pistons? Understand that the pistons and rings fit to extremely tight if they are "canned" sideways a little or rusted a little, they will lock. Try tapping GENTLY with a rubber mallet and a block of wood. GENTLY! Try some rust remover applied around the edges carefully. Maybe even a little Sea Foam. Have you opened the bottom end up? What's in the pan? Rust? Gunk? Water? How about the crank? You have to take your time with this. Be methodical. Try to give us more speak that we can help you. Let us know.