Man, I'm not on here as much as I used to be. Lotta new faces here. Heya kids.
Maybe the search feature answered all my questions? Or maybe I've developed an obsession with the Dark Side, an H1 500 triple I just picked up? Or maybe I pooped out a kid (or better yet, the wife) and I sold the bikes for a minivan? Nope, yes and nope – in order.
I just spent the last couple of months doing track days, earning an AHRMA race license and engaging in the friendliest and most half-assed type of motorsports possible for working schlubs – Vintage bike racing with AHRMA. I didn't crash, win, or do anything all that noteworthy except write an article suggesting that you too can do the same, provided you find some cheap small displacement Honda twins. It's called "The View From the Cheap Seat" and it's all here in the latest issue of Motorcycle Classics. Obviously, feel free to buy as many fine paper issues as your arms can carry. They make great bird cage liner, though they suck at soaking up oil spills in the garage. They're a great magazine and resource, even though they're not made of thousands of educated, opinionated moto-nuts like is.
At any rate, just shamelessly plugging. Hope you dig it,