you're probably right Dave - I've read a few old road tests (or owners tests) from the mid 70's and a couple of them reflect just what you are saying. I was probably more referring to the chrome thickness than anything, but they do
feel lighter in weight too, which I rightly or wrongly put down to metal thickness.
(As an aside, I've got a couple of old cars too, and any new replacement parts (eg bumpers) for those are thinner, lighter, and crappier than the originals, with razor sharp edges too! It is far better to refurbish the originals if they are not too far gone, but that's a bit hard for bike pipes).
I had a K2 from new in 73 for 2 years and never had a problem with rusty pipes, but then it spent most of its life with the baffles out, much to my parents embarrasment and neighbours disgust!! I know a lot of them rust at their lowest points too because owners don't keep the drain holes clear, especially on the left where they get covered in chain oil and thus the holes get blocked - a good point of note for anybody purchasing new ones like Gazza.
Anyway, my new pipes won't be a problem - the motor is so rooted that they have a very liberal coating of oil on the inside!!
Doing a full rebuild as we speak.