I have the same bike; same color, too. Replacing the right side switch was one of the first things I had to do to it once I got it home. Bite the bullet and remove the tank. Even full, it's not hard.
1. Raise the bike onto the centerstand. Turn off the petcock; remove the fuel line from the petcock. A little fuel will drop out of the line. Not much.
2. Open the seat. Standing on the left of the bike, grab the rear tab of the tank with your right hand and pull it up a bit. With your left hand, grab the front of the tank and wiggle the tank left and right a bit, apply rearward pressure. It will come off the front rubber mounts.
3. Pull it up and back to clear the triple tree. Using both hands, firmly grab the tank and pull it free of the rear mounting rubber. Put it in a safe place.
4. With two 10mm open end wrenches, loosen the locknuts on the throttle cables above the carb rack. Remember which cable (top or bottom) has the half-moon tab on it (I forget). It's important to get tham back the same way, and at the same adjustment.
5. Once the cable ends are free from their mounts, gently push them toward the front of the bike. This will give you the slack you need.
It would also be a good idea to get some slack in the wiring. Thusly:
With the tank off, look on the left side of the frame, just behind the forks and slightly below and in front of the coils. There's a junction of two or three wire bundles. The smaller diameter of the two, leading from the forks, is the bundle connected to the right switch. Don't unplug anything; just "unarrange" the bundles so you have some slack in the wiring.
With all of that done (it sounds a lot worse than it is -- at least the second time you do it...) you should have plenty of slack at the throttle to do your magic. Using a can of spray lube with a tube on it to aim some lubricant into the handlebar where the wire bundle enters at the throttle and where it exits at the handlebar mounts can make this a lot easier.
Reassembly is pretty much the reverse, except for the tank: Lower the tank's front onto the front rubber mounts first, then gently push it home. With your left hand, raise the rear tab; with your right, stretch the rear rubber mount over the tab.
Reinstall the fuel line, turn on the petcock and go ride.