But, I know you're just the big swinging d*ck who doesn't make mistakes at riding school.

This thread has gotten way off track. Personal attacks are not looked fondly upon on this forum. Perhaps a refresher on the rules of behavior would be warranted?
Forum Rules
the following summarizes the rules of behavior on the Single Over-Head Cam 4 Forums:
1) Play nice with the other members
2) Argue the point, not the person. That means no personal attacks (or counter-attacks) and no provocative replies or comments.
3) Conduct yourself as you would in a public place. If you wouldn't swear like sailor in public, try not to do it here either.
4) Open sharing of ideas and content is important. Links to and promotion of other forums and content IS ENCOURAGED! However, if you are promoting something in which you have a commercial interest, it is expected that you will make a donation to help cover the costs of providing these forums.
6) Don't take things too seriously, chill out, life is short, have a laugh.
Most of all, enjoy the forum.
If you feel a post violates these rules, use the link to report it to the moderators and let us deal with it. Posts that violate our rules are subject to removal without explanation. Members who repeatedly violate our rules will be warned and, if these warnings are ignored, asked to leave.