Email today !
Dear Sirs, we inform you that your material was delivered on March 28 to our company. We suffered a big delay due to the chrome plating as it was not excellent and we could not provide you with a product with a high quality chrome plating.
The product is in the packaging phase and we are generating the waybills. Collections from our office will not be immediate as there are many parcels. We try to speed up the shipping phase as much as possible so that you will receive your product as quickly as possible. We have checked the quality of the product before generating the waybill and we have done our best to deliver you an excellent product. We remain available for any assembly problem or any problem due to shipping or any of your questions. Attached you will find a discount code that can be used for a future purchase due to the delay we have made we give you this discount code to be provided via email when ordering BSRT23 will apply a 30% discount on any product.
Nel ringraziarvi, Porgiamo Cordiali saluti
Busso Silencers
Via Santa Caterina da Siena 15
Rivarolo Canavese 10086 (TO)
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