We have a private company here called MVD Express. Supposed to be able to do all your vehicle paperword faster, more efficiently, for a higher fee. I used them for two other bikes. I went in there with the title signed over from PO for my wife's bike. The clerk tells me we filled in both the private seller's section, and the dealer's section, so he can't transfer title. Why not? We need just the info on the private seller's side. Okay, so it's there; just ignore the superfluous but harmless info on the other side. It's all the same anyway. I can't do that. You have to get the seller to sign a notarized affidavit that you filled in too much info! PO is a stranger, in another city. Suppose I can't get him to come with me and spend his precious time at the notary? No suggestions.
Soooooo, I ask to see the manager. I wait nearly an hour, while the manager is in plain sight doing stuff and nonsense. We go round the round again. Why don't you just ignore the superfluous info? We can't do that. And this time, the manager fills out an officious form stating that he notified me that I have to get the notarized paperwork to correct the mistake, or no title transfer.
Well, I decide to go to the DMV and take my chances there. I wait over two hours. When my turn comes, I present my paperwork to the clerk. Clerk says they can just ignore the back of the old title, and proceeds to process my stuff. Supervisor comes over, looks it all over, and walks away. It takes them fully a half hour to do some simple paperwork, but when it's done we have title in our names.
This is the one time I can recall when the official bureaucrats actually did better! All told, I spent over 4 1/2 hours just to transfer a titile. I told my wife she owes me for as long as she owns that bike!