Author Topic: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?  (Read 33749 times)

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Offline Kenny

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #50 on: September 25, 2015, 11:16:11 AM »
Hi just joined this forum, reason for recently buying a CB750A is I am having problems with my left hand and find that after a short time on my VFR750 I am unable to carry on so hopefully should find the Hondamatic  a pleasure and looking forward to next year.

Offline Wayne31

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2016, 11:33:13 PM »
Why buy? Well, I was on the lookout for a bike/sidecar combination and found this for sale. Looked into the auto and seemed a great match for the chair.
Why keep? It's a fantastic match for the chair! It rides like a dream and the torque converter makes pulling away in 2nd, 3-up, soooo easy. Love it & won't be parting with it.  :)

Offline Kiranth

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #52 on: May 08, 2016, 01:32:55 AM »
Hi i have the 1976 750A hondamatic in green runs great been slowly getting to original condition over the last 5 years,

Offline zac3g

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #53 on: November 17, 2016, 12:48:14 PM »
I have the "sickness" and currently own around 30 bikes. One of them is a great looking CM450A. I developed a problem and cant lift my left foot to shift. The CM450A was a great option. Its been a good bike but not the best on the freeway. A buddy liked my 450A then found a 750A and bought it. He no longer rides it and wants to give it to me. I should have it in the next week or two and I cant wait. I'm sure I'll need to clean out the old gas and put in a few hours checking things out but then I should be good to go. I enjoy shifting but when you are in my situation, you do what you can to stay on 2 wheels. Thankfully, these are really fun bikes!

Offline Pipfromoz

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #54 on: December 20, 2016, 04:14:12 AM »
I live in Geelong Australia. There aren't many 750A's over here, in fact the one I own is the only one I have seen in the flesh. My mate saw one about 20 years ago, with a sidecar, being driven by an American lady in a wheelchair with a set of handlebars in front of her chair in the sidecar. I think she was over here on holiday.

I love it because it's such an oddity over here, but also because it's so easy to ride - especially around town.

It's a 1977 maroon bike in quite good original condition.
Honda 900 Hornet, CB750k7, CB750A, Montesa 348 Cota, '96 Gas Gas 270, BSA Bantam 125 in trials trim.

Offline Hondaking

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2017, 03:09:42 AM »
My 750A Was on ebay and as i have most of the other 750sohc i thought it would make a nice addition to the set. When i went to collect the bike the guy only had one arm (Right arm ) the other was a prosthetic so he could still ride it. i took it home and restored it to its former glory and now just love it. There so smooth and run so well.

Offline jigerguy

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2017, 11:52:53 AM »
I acquired my first of two 750a's in a trade two years ago. I didn't think to much about it, but it was rare, so that's always cool.
So I have one running and on the road this summer (pretty much stock) and it is such a FUN BIKE! I love riding it and it starts a lot of gas station conversations. I am rebuilding the second bike with all the recommended upgrades. Carbs, Cam, 836 Pistons, ect.
I am excited to see how much more fun that one will be.

Offline 76_CB750A

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #57 on: September 05, 2017, 06:45:31 AM »
I don't reckon the information is required for a poll anymore, but I'll add it anyway.

Back in the early 90's, I obtained a $50 '77 CB750 F Super Sport at the age of 16 as my first bike. It was overkill, and a real hand full for a new rider, but somehow I managed to avoid killing myself with it. It took me a year to get it running, and then I rode it for four years whenever the weather was nice. Unfortunately moving, money, and some lifestyle changes forced me to sell that bike when I was 21 years old, but I always intended to buy another one.

Fast forward twenty years, and I'm now 41 years old and still haven't bought another bike, even though at least four good friends all have bikes of their own. Well, an autoimmune condition crippled me last year, and though I should mostly recover, the condition can reoccur at any time, and will result in additional paralysis every time it strikes, so my opportunity to ride a motorcycle could be fleeting. I better get a bike to enjoy while I still can!

As of now, I'm still recovering and lack the strength in my right leg to keep a bike upright at a stand still. Over the next six months, that should change. My left leg has recovered fairly well, but permanent nerve damage has resulted in a bit of left foot drop, so shifting will be difficult. Luckily, Honda made Hondamatics! I figured I just needed one of those and all my problems would be solved!

So I started looking on Craigslist, and pretty soon I found a '76 CB750A project with 31k miles for $225. The motor turned over and the compression was decent, so I took it home. With any luck, I'll have it fixed up and ready to ride by next Spring, and hopefully my legs will be good enough to keep the bike upright by then, too!

Offline rdspikle

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #58 on: September 24, 2017, 07:00:54 AM »
I GOT LUCKY.... The company I work for changed its policy on allowing it's drivers to take home company vehicles. So I had to find a second "FAMILY" vehicle. So I started looking at online. Originally I wasn't looking at motorcycles but after spending to much time looking at overpriced garbage,I took a chance on motorcycle listings. Literally the second page that I viewed had my 1977 CB750A. Original owner' garage kept , last registered in "92-94" with 4635 original miles. I didn't hesitate for a second and made the call. There is quite a story behind this motorcycle but that's for another post. The asking price was $2000,I got it for $1800. A new battery ,fresh gas and it started right up. We loaded it on the trailer because I didn't have a license yet and I brought it home . New tires and tubes , carb rebuild,new fuel hoses, intake tubes,new velocity stacks and new motorcycle license and "I'M IN THE WIND" I am 57 years old and this motorcycle has given me a new reason to get up off the couch. Yeah... I love it!  :)

Offline Supersportguy

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #59 on: December 01, 2017, 05:45:16 AM »
I have a 76 cb750a in muscat green. I love mine being over 60 years old i like the fact that there is no clutch or shifting to do. I have a bad left knee and after about 30 minuts of riding my knee begins to hurt. With my automatic i dont have that problem.

Offline Dave Mac

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #60 on: January 29, 2018, 08:35:49 AM »
Hi,  I'd like to hear from someone that owns a (stock) CB750A and a CM400A.  To me,  they are much more different than engine size, bike size & weight... I'd like input from someone who owns both.  Thx,  Dave- 

Offline Erik

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #61 on: March 07, 2018, 02:02:58 PM »
I always liked the Hondamatic because it’s special, rare and I love automatics. I now own my second one, after regretting to have sold the first one some years ago. It is super special, having painted fenders and integrated side indicators in the rear light. I have found that in 1977 these were also sold in Japan, so I have an original Japanese market Hondamatic

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Offline emiller412

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #62 on: September 30, 2018, 12:37:58 AM »
Love the old SOHC Honda fours .. 400F was my first bike.  I remember the 750A new in the showroom but was too young to buy such a big "adult" bike .. I was 16 in 1978.  Saw mine on Craigslist in 2016 and acted spontaneously.. Love the technology and diligence of Japanese engineers, it was such a revolutionary concept and works perfectly even 40 years later.    A joy to ride, works so well, just amazing .. The 5 speed 750's became overpriced, the autos are still reasonable..  Makes owning it so much more fulfilling and enjoyable...  Wonderful.  Thank you Honda.   Just got a Suzukimatic 450, didn't even know they existed.   LOVE IT too... not as refined as Honda, it clunks hard when shifting but light weight and flawless twin .. shaft drive .. awesome.  Thank you Suzuki!

Offline xntrik

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #63 on: November 24, 2018, 03:32:44 PM »
I got my first REAL motorcycle, a 74 750 neatly 20 years ago. Some 4 years or so later, a kid up the road knew I was into old bikes, and wanted some old stereo equipment I had that probably wasn’t worth 40$ but offered a straight up trade for some old “ran two years ago” Honda with a title. Turns out it was a 78 750A. Never had heard of such a thing, and thought what the heck. Was finally able to ride the bike about 6 years ago and have to say I’m hooked. Just got in today from a 80 mile trip and every time i get a chance to ride her I fall in love all over again. It’s just a unique experience, and definitely a conversation piece. I’ll add that I also have it’s little brother, a 78 400a which is also a joy to ride. I love old Honda’s, PERIOD. But the autos just have a special place for me due to that “unique-ness”.

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Offline Bazzer

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #64 on: April 24, 2019, 01:25:10 AM »
 I bought my 78 matic because I just loved the look of it . Also because I like the SOHC engine.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2019, 04:08:24 PM by raymond10078 »

Offline vik351

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2019, 05:45:27 PM »
Hi blokes, vik from OZ, had a K3 back in th e 70's as a20 something now at 63 time to get back on two wheels, kids out the way etc...

Us poor buggers down here in Australia never got these from new, they, or whats left are creeping in a bit now down here...

Stinkin arthritis got my hands, so that was the main intrest, but once ya had a K throbbin under ya balls, and that sound with the baffles out  8) ,ya just cant help it...!!!

Only get it next week from interstate, ya reckon I aint climbin the walls ...!!!  ::)

wish me luck blokes, bought it unseen too, sposed to be running , even if it aint, sounds like it's gunna be a keeper for me going by what all you blokes are sayin...

vik... first post...  :-*

Offline vik351

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #66 on: September 18, 2019, 08:13:05 PM »
first one


 bigger money over here for one (OZ) grab em while ya can boys...!!!

vik... hope I like em  ::)

Offline lynnx22

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #67 on: October 31, 2019, 06:32:03 PM »
I keep mine because its old, over weight and lazy.
Like me.

Offline Randy Nevrotski

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #68 on: November 14, 2019, 03:03:15 PM »
my 76 CB750A It came to me. I drive A Flatbed tow truck in Phila.P.A  a guy came up to me when I was parked. He wanted to junk the old bike because they where Harley people. I end up buying  the bike for less then scrap price with title and key.he gave me original title with 2 miles on title. bike only has 6450 miles on bike. it was bought in 1980.i think in 1984 it was dropped.somsone had carbs apart and put together wrong.the bike sat from that point on, that's what I came with when researched. I was a motorcycle mechanic when I was 18 years old now at 44 I never saw or knew about a hondamadic . I got it I May 2019. worked on bike hear and there, my plans where to get it running then sell it. I had people who would buy it. got it running ,drove bike around my yard. I put 10 miles from puttin around the block. I put new tires front and back. new tags for bike I went down Wildwood N.J. for bike weekend. after I got back 200 miles I told myself that I'm keeping the Hondamadic. it road nice, it came out looking good. after about 40 hours of Labor ,around $350. in bike $150 title & tags=$500 then I turned down a offer for $3800. now I just cant let it go. I will never find a bike so clean. I'm going to pick up another kind of bike but will never get rid of my hondamadic.
1976 CB750A & Other bikes 1980 KZ 650 cafe racer  81 CM400A 82 GS450 79 KZ650 84 NIGHTHAWK 700 77 KZ650 CAFE  87 ZX750R NINJA 2001 KATANA 600 1983 GPz 750 1980 CB750 CUSTOM Past bikes 1974 suzuki GT750 TRIPLE Care Free Custom chopper 117 motor 95 Honda XR650L Dual Sport 87 ZX600R NINJA Honda CB550FOUR 87 Yamaha 225 trike honda 250R trike RM80 HONDA TRAIL CT70

Offline vik351

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #69 on: November 14, 2019, 04:16:39 PM »
Good one Randy... I think I'm in love too...

I live near the foot hills of my town and pop into the hills for a spin any time, went for a ride to a mates place who lives on the flat of town,prolly 8 KL from me and he said a funny thing that once you have a Hondamatic ya forget about...(we are in our 60's)

His newish BMW manual gives him the sihts driving through town to get to the hills (the stop start at all the lights) and by the time he gets there the urge is lost cos he knows he has to get home the same way...

I had a K2 in my 20's and loved going through the gears, fraid those days are over, not to mention arthritis has got me ... >:( >:( >:(

So I reckon my two will be keepers for me...!!!


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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2020, 04:20:04 PM »
hello all ! new guy here . i love my hondamatic . had a 1974 750 5 speed loved it as well . traded it for a boat regret it ever since . had many great bikes in my life but none has elicited so much unwanted attention . seems that everywhere i go people want to talk to me about my candy blue automatic blast from the past . i will put up a pic of her later just learning to navigate this cool sight ... why do i keep her ? seems to have a soul ... 
i am to drunk to taste this chicken . RIP colonel Saunders .



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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #71 on: November 18, 2020, 02:51:26 AM »
I keep my Hondamatic due to the ongoing durability of the motorcycle and the efficiency of the fuel. I look after my bike, as I want my Hondamatic to be long-lasting transport and so displays well after long use.

Offline JMWaah

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #72 on: June 18, 2021, 02:29:52 PM »
Because riding a motorcycle should be fun, and riding a 750A is fun. ;D

Offline Peggie83

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Re: POLL: Why do YOU own/keep your Hondamatic?
« Reply #73 on: June 09, 2023, 12:23:02 PM »
The first vehicle I owned/purchased was a 1980 Honda CM400A Hondamatic as a milestone birthday gift to myself in 2014.
(A car purchase came later ;))
Initially it was about avoiding having to operate a clutch; I just had no confidence in my left hand ability after completing the mandatory motorcycle course two years earlier. I could have bought a big scooter... but I wanted a *motorcycle*. *Shiny*!
Of the automatic motorcycle options at the time - a Hondamatic was going to be the most affordable, if not easily obtainable in my area (took me two years to find it).
As a complete beginner, I was pretty amazed at how quickly I was able to learn how to ride - how light and comfortable it was, how relatively simple it was to maintain, and how available aftermarket parts were. Once it warmed up, I could open up the throttle and start faster from a stop than most bigger bikes. With the full windshield it'd do highway speeds... mostly.
I was hooked.

Next came a 1982 Honda CM450A, and more recently, a mostly-1976 Honda CB750A Hondamatic - both of which I had to ship to me.
The 450A is my absolute favorite. I could ride that thing all day. I'd buy two more if Honda still sold them, and I want it buried with me ;)

The 750A has been a big spend $$$, and actually continues to be my least favorite. It's big, stupid heavy, near impossible to put on the centre stand, harder to find parts for, and has issues with idling that my other two bikes don't have.
I haven't had it on the road more than twice, briefly.
But I wanted to "collect the whole set", and it's a Hondamatic - so it's in my garage, and why I'm here on this site.
I'm expecting it'll grow on me, once most of the issues are sorted out.