Hello All.......
I'm going to be in Texas next week for about 15 days.
Its time to pack up and clean out my hanger. Mostly SOHC stuff
I've got a couple frames (bout 3 750s if memory serves) with no title and a rather large assortment of engines and parts.
Mostly 750 but there's smaller stuff and even a complete VF500 minus an engine.
About 3-4 DOHC750's, some 550 engines, a 360 engine, 6 SOHC750 engines etc.
If anyone in Texas wants to make the drive and buy some stuff cheap drop me a line.
I do not have time to find specific parts and post them to anyone so please don't ask.
Yes I probably have at least 1 of everything, I'm just in the US to move all this accumulation of bikes and part plus Thanksgiving with my parents who are 73.
If you can find your way to McAllen then come have a look.