Author Topic: 1972 CB500 Project. Am I in over my head?  (Read 8743 times)

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Offline kasper.tyler

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Re: 1972 CB500 Project. Am I in over my head?
« Reply #75 on: October 23, 2015, 03:10:04 PM »
Money has me waiting around to get new Pistons and other pets for the Honda, so the project is at a standstill. Thought I'd share a fun little experience that happened the other day, though.

Pulled into my buddy's driveway to have a few drinks and shoot the wind and right as I was coming to a stop, the clutch cable on my Suzuki GS450 snapped. Thankfully it's about as powerful as a leaf blower, so it just died in first gear and I parked it.

I was determined to get it home, so we set out to fix it. With none of my tools... And no stores locally that had the part at 9pm on a Wednesday... And no idea how to fix a clutch cable lol.

So I decided after pulling off the cover that I could just wrap some tomato cage wire around the piece that holds the clutch cable in place.

Clutch Repair Mk.1
This worked in getting the clutch to engage, however it came loose almost immediately.

Clutch Repair Mk.2
This also worked, however it kept the clutch engaged the whole time and wouldn't allow for it to actually go into gear.

I had a third version that came unlooped almost immediately, this was me getting frustrated with it.

Clutch Repair Mk.4
This one worked great! I was able to ride it home with no problems whatsoever, other than the clutch feeling much tighter.

I'll be fixing it next week, but I figured you might enjoy my little MacGyver story.


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