Like they said ^^^ if it is a genuine Honda gasket. Those have an excellent sealer in them to prevent the problem. Just be sure to bring the engine up to hot when doing the initial startup (no fan, please) so the sealant can get started doing its thing.
If it is an aftermarket gasket, you may have to improve on it. On the 750 aftermarket gaskets, I often add 2mm thick O-rings inside the oil passage holes where there is room (or punch the gasket out, if not) to help seal them, as they don't seal well for oils. I also add some of the Permatex non-hardening sealant around the oil drain holes: this will NOT help around the oil feed holes, though. Make sure any of the seals around those feeders have the right thickness of O-ring or rubber: many aftermarket kits today do not have the right ones (often too thin) as Honda had many custom-sized O-rings made (and they still do in Japan) for these bikes.