Author Topic: Yet another update on my Dad and the latest happenings  (Read 535 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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Yet another update on my Dad and the latest happenings
« on: November 18, 2013, 10:49:08 PM »
 Well, my Dad is 88 now (16Jul). He doesn' t realize alot of things now days. Been abit contrary when it comes to eating and taking his meds. When he was in the hospital to get a pacemaker put in, My brother's daughter showed up "to see Grandpa and sure ACTED LIKE she was so comcerned about him and all. I WANTED to believe her about she really wanted to be a part of the family and such. I was skeptical though, cause sheIS my brother's daughter. She claimed that she never was really close to him. Anyway, so time went on with her texting me on how's Grandpa? Then, a couple of weeks went by and nothing. So, I decided to text her and let her know that he was still doing fine. She thanked me and a little more time went by. Then, last friday, we needed to go to Conway Ar. For a few hours and next thing I knew, the doorbell rang. It was a deputy sheriff. It seems a call was made, about the welfare of my Dad. The caller said that he hadn't eaten in 3days or so and not been given his meds too.  Thing is,  he HAD gotten up and had hos meds and eaten. Then he went back to bed. So, there is no doubt who called them. But, it didn't work. Then, today, we were headed out and I got a call from "Protective Services., again it was about my Dad. Only alot more detail. They told about the things for about 5yrs and how he wasn't fed or given his meds and such. And I told that lady alot of the actual truth of that time. So now, we will get a visit from this lady tomorrow. I called the Sheriff's office and happened to talk to a deputy who was, at one time, the Sheriff and my Dad had worked for him as a Reserve Deputy Commander. and knew my Dad real well. Also, he told me that he had seen my Dad, right after David and Jan had put him in that nursing home and when he talked to my Dad, my Dad told him that he did not want David to have ANYTHING to do with taking care of him. And he said my Dad was VERY MAD!!! Then he told me that if any of them even come on the property, call 911!!!  So, that is where we are now. More, wjen I have it.
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Re: Yet another update on my Dad and the latest happenings
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2013, 10:56:57 PM »
Sorry to hear you are still having trouble Bill, unfortunately I have a family thats very similar so i can definitely appreciate your frustration, good to know you have someone of authority in your corner... ;)
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Offline martin99

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Re: Yet another update on my Dad and the latest happenings
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 01:55:24 AM »
Don't know much about your situation Bill, other than what I just read, but my thoughts are with you. My father is 84 and dementing, my mother nearly 80 and my sister has just decided to have nothing to do with her - I can see a time in the near future when things are going to get very #$%*ty. Shame it has to be this way sometimes, you're not alone though mate.
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