Well folks, things are on the upturn now, at least somewhat. I haven't heard anything else from the Sheriff's Dept or the Adult Protective Services. My Dad's attitude and behavior was kinda up and down for a few days and then, about a week ago (sorry I didn't let you all know right away), suddenly seemed like he was coming out of it and started acting more like hisself. I have no idea what it was, that caused the change. I just know that he had an appointment with the Pediatrist and I had had to reschedule a couple of times, for various reasons. Then, we actually Made this appointment and he sort of started acting more like his old self. I mean, he stayed up longer, actually got into an actual conversation and was talking to where I could understand him pretty much. He HAD gotten to where he was kinda mumbling, previously. So, he was slowly im[proving and then, for Christmas Eve, we went to some very close friends in Greenwood Arkansas, to exchange some gifts, have Supper with them and spend some time visiting. Dad was participating and when we headed back, I stopped off at the Love's Truck Stop, at One of the Morrilton Exits off of I-40 to make a Pit Stop for everyone. When my Dad and I came out of the Rest Room, He started over toward the aisle where the chips were. I asked him why he was going that way, we needed to go the other way, to go out to the van. He told me that there was something over there that he wanted. So, I thought, "Okay, wonder what it is" and he picked up a bag of chips and commented that those might be alright. So then, everyone else, got themselves a snack and so I said that I was going over to get me something. well my Dad followed me over there, along with everyone else and when I picked up my Peanut Butter Snickers, he says, "Now That might be pretty good too. So, I got him one as well. We got out to the van and I opened his for him and he really liked that. He was talking and acting so funny and clowning around. His attitude and behavior just really topped off the evening and everyone had such a great time. I just Thank God, for the way Dad was actually getting into things with us. It was Truly Awesome! I just had to share, cause a number of you all, have been there through it all, with me and my Dad.