Is there a cheaper alternative to paying 3.67 a piece for the cylinder rubber inserts P/N 12620-286-000 ? for 20 of them around $74 plus shipping.
The ones that go between the fins?
If so ,you do not even need them.
When this motorcycle first was introduced there was some tinkling noises from the fins expanding and contracting
when the engine was cooling off.
So those rubber things were put in to dampen the noise.
Later in Honda put more silicon into the aluminum to keep the expansion and contraction down and they were eliminated. You do not need them.
Also after 40 years the metal has stabilized and they probably make very little noise.
At that time all aluminum engines were a new thing and a lot of things were unknown, like the expansion and contraction noises. It bothered some people and they did not like it.
Now it does not bother most people.