Hi everyone, I'm on my last chore before putting my carbs back on my K7 -- adjusting carb floats. I started to adjust the tangs on each float and realized I wasn't haven't much luck getting them to change float height. I then looked at my floats and noticed that the floats on carbs 2 and 4 seem to hang much lower than those on 1 and 3, and it seems to more than just an issue of adjustment. But as a newbie, I want to be sure I'm right about this.
I've attached a photo below and hopefully you can see that two of the floats hang much lower. I checked the metal part of the float that comes in contact with the carb, and this metal piece seems like it's bent back further on the floats that hang lower.
These lower floats also appear to be marked 'n' whereas the floats the don't hang as low are marked 'k', like my old floats that I've replaced.
Hopefully this explanation makes sense. I just need to figure out if I've somehow been sent the wrong floats with two of my rebuild kits (everything else from the kit was correct). Thanks!
I have no idea what you are doing. The photos make no sense at all.
Just measure the float height with the carb upside down or laying on its side.
Use a ruler.
With the K7 and K8
The top of the float (when upside down ) should be level with the pilot jet.
K7 and K8 ONLY!. The float tang should be JUST touching.
You do not need to use any clear tube.
Just MEASURE like the book says.
The book says to measure BEFORE....BEFORE any clear tube method is used.
AND it is not even necessary to use that clear tube method.